Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Film Elements Graphic Organizer


1. Establishing shot: sets the location for a scene
2. Low angle shot: provides the viewer with a perspective from below
3. High angle shot: provides the viewer with a higher perspective, from above
4. Dolly shot: following the subject, making the camera appear as though it is on a train track
5. Birds eye viewer: shot from high high above, allows the viewer with an over-arching perspective


1. Contrast: cuts back and forth between two scenes to suggest a contrast between the two of them. A dichotomy would occur where the first scene shows one extreme, and the second shows an opposite extreme
2. Parallelism: connects two scenes by focusing on one aspect that is paralleled between the two, even if the scenes appear unconnected at the surface
3. Simultaneity: builds suspense by showing two action-filled scenes occurring at the exact same time
4. Leit motif: repeating a shot and a specific sound or song, to show the recurrence of that scene or concept
5. Symbolism: tying together two scenes through the use of a symbolic object or concept


1. Staging: The particular way that actors, furniture, or other objects are placed in a scene. This is completely thought out by the director and producer, to "stage" the scene in the most effective way possible to suggest a certain mood. 
2. Acting: The actor's performance in the movie or play; this is extremely important to the overall flow of the movie as this can truly make or break the quality of the performance
3. Costume: The actor's appearance in the scene, which can provide context of the character's archetype, the time period, the weather, the character's age, etc. Costume can include makeup and wardrobe. 
4. Setting: Provides a mood, place of mind, or establishing location for the scene. This can be as simple as a dark room with a flash of lightning through the window, which would set the mood as eery; this could also be as extreme as an entire football stadium, filled with the cheers of the crowd and the whistle of the ref. This would allow for an exhilarating mood throughout within the scene.
5. Three-point lighting: key, fill, and back light is arranged in such a way that the scene is illuminated


1. Direct sound: recorded while filming, and is not edited in afterwards
2. Diegetic sound: both the audience and the characters can hear
3. Non-diegetic sound: the audience can hear the sound, but the characters on screen cannot
4. Sound bridge: bridges one scene to the next
5. Off screen sound: sound is off-screen, whilst the camera remains focused on the action occurring onscreen 

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Analyzing the Use of Mise-En-Scene within Friends

In this episode of Friends, titled "The One with the Monkey," multiple areas of mise-en-scene are used. This includes setting, lighting, costume and staging. This episode takes place during winter in New York City, and the six "friends" are throwing together a New Years Eve party.

Setting: As a general setting, this episode takes place in New York City. Nonetheless, like most Friends episodes, the majority of the episode is spent in Monica and Rachel's apartment. Decked out for the holiday, this setting creates a very homey and Christmas-y vibe for the viewer.

Lighting: With additional Christmas lights strung across in the background and bright white snow falling outside, the main space of the apartment is extremely bright. This allows for a very happy and carefree feeling, as there is no shadows or darkness. There is no sense of eeriness or confusion for the viewer, and the overall feeling is very happy.

Costume: As an ode to New York's below freezing weather at Christmas time, the six friends are bundled up in hats, boots, and sweaters- even when inside. More specifically, each character fits the role of "family member at Christmas dinner" archetype. For example, Chandler's striped sweater which looks strangely similar to something that the dad from Home Alone would wear; Monica's red cardigan, which gives off strong mom vibes. By simply looking at the character's outfits, it's clear that it's Christmas time.

Staging: Always situated in either the kitchen or living room, the group is clearly sat in a very specific way. Rachel throws her feet over the love seat, the three boys are on the edge of the couch, Phoebe is standing in the corner, and Monica is at the center, going on a spiel. It's a common sight among episodes, and it almost allows the viewer to be in the action with the characters.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Five Master Shots (with Sound!)

Find our five master edits with sound here.

LEITMOTIF: For our example of leitmotif, Kiley and I included a sound bridge. A sound bridge occurs when sound is carried over a visual transition in a film. We used this to depict a leitmotif because we used multiple scenes showing people drinking water and a water fountain. Adding the sound of trickling water in the background shows the common theme of water occurring throughout, which shows a connection between the two concepts.

PARALLELISM: To depict parallelism, we used post synchronization dubbing and diegetic sound. Post synchronous sounds place emphasis on the characters and makes a much more realistic ambiance, and it's the same case for diegetic sound. We added the sound of leaves crunching as Kiley and I walked past the screen as this placed an emphasis on us walking. 

CONTRAST: We used post synchronization dubbing for our contrast scene as well, where we added the sound of crickets and then the sound of a loud hallway. Regardless of the fact that crickets would not often be found in an empty hallway, the sound of crickets often represents silence. We added the sounds of a bustling hallway to further emphasize the sounds heard during passing period. These scenes contrast one another in that the hallway is painfully silent while students are in classes, and lively and energetic during the passing period.

SIMULTANEITY: We used direct sound for our simultaneity scene, as this showed the reality of what was happening during a Lely lunch period. In a way, this allows the viewer to truly feel as though they are there.

SYMBOLISM: We added triumphant music for our symbolism edit as the "L" in a Lely Varsity letter fades out into the L in "Lely Trojans." This shows Lely's pride and triumphant energy.

Overall, this sound allows the mood of our video to change constantly. However, watching this as a viewer genuinely keeps me on the edge of my seat and the ongoing upbeat music and sound creates a positive aura for the overall video.

A Look Into Pudovkin's Five Master Edits As Depicted in Hollywood

Once learning about Pudovkin's Five Master Edits, I soon realized that if you look hard enough, leitmotif, contrast, symbolism, simultaneity, and parallelism can be found right before your eyes! Here are some examples as shown in Hollywood films:

Leitmotif: With it being a musical, Hercules is notorious for its classic songs. One song in particular is Hercules' number with Go The Distance. This song acts as the character's leitmotif as it perfectly encapsulates everything about the character and his place in the movie. Surprisingly enough, I realized that most Disney movies have this concept of a leitmotif that describes each movie and main character. For example, Aladdin's Whole New World, Lion King's Circle of Life, and Tarzan's Two Worlds. Shown below is a brief clip from Hercules' number.

I had trouble uploading this video, so I have linked the YouTube video here.

Contrast: This video from 2001's Space Odyssey contrasts a bone being thrown up in the air with a space ship falling down. This comparison works, because the two sizes are very similar to one another and therefore a contrasting effect is established when the camera cuts from the bone in the air to a shot of the space ship in the air.

Symbolism: The epilogue of Breaking Dawn: Part II depicts multiple scenes occurring from throughout the series fades from one to another.

Simultaneity: In this shot from The Godfather, tensions rise when the camera is shot back and forth between two scenes. The camera cuts between Michael Cerlone at a christening and a gory death. This establishes an odd juxtaposition within the film, illustrating purity and gore occurring at the exact same moment.

Parallelism: In The Silence of the Lambs, the audience can see the FBI raiding a house that they believe belongs to a character called "Buffalo Bill." Following this, the audience sees Buffalo Bill reacting to a bell in a dungeon. The bell in the dungeon directly correlates to the FBI agent ringing the bell in the paralleled scene.

Creative Critical Reflection

click  here  to view my creative critical reflection for our film Carmen!