1. Establishing shot: sets the location for a scene
2. Low angle shot: provides the viewer with a perspective from below
3. High angle shot: provides the viewer with a higher perspective, from above
4. Dolly shot: following the subject, making the camera appear as though it is on a train track
5. Birds eye viewer: shot from high high above, allows the viewer with an over-arching perspective
1. Contrast: cuts back and forth between two scenes to suggest a contrast between the two of them. A dichotomy would occur where the first scene shows one extreme, and the second shows an opposite extreme
2. Parallelism: connects two scenes by focusing on one aspect that is paralleled between the two, even if the scenes appear unconnected at the surface
3. Simultaneity: builds suspense by showing two action-filled scenes occurring at the exact same time
4. Leit motif: repeating a shot and a specific sound or song, to show the recurrence of that scene or concept
5. Symbolism: tying together two scenes through the use of a symbolic object or concept
1. Staging: The particular way that actors, furniture, or other objects are placed in a scene. This is completely thought out by the director and producer, to "stage" the scene in the most effective way possible to suggest a certain mood.
2. Acting: The actor's performance in the movie or play; this is extremely important to the overall flow of the movie as this can truly make or break the quality of the performance
3. Costume: The actor's appearance in the scene, which can provide context of the character's archetype, the time period, the weather, the character's age, etc. Costume can include makeup and wardrobe.
4. Setting: Provides a mood, place of mind, or establishing location for the scene. This can be as simple as a dark room with a flash of lightning through the window, which would set the mood as eery; this could also be as extreme as an entire football stadium, filled with the cheers of the crowd and the whistle of the ref. This would allow for an exhilarating mood throughout within the scene.
5. Three-point lighting: key, fill, and back light is arranged in such a way that the scene is illuminated
1. Direct sound: recorded while filming, and is not edited in afterwards
2. Diegetic sound: both the audience and the characters can hear
3. Non-diegetic sound: the audience can hear the sound, but the characters on screen cannot
4. Sound bridge: bridges one scene to the next
5. Off screen sound: sound is off-screen, whilst the camera remains focused on the action occurring onscreen