LEIT MOTIF: A leitmotif can be defined as a recurring musical theme connected to a particular character, object, place, idea. In Kiley and I's film, the camera angle switches periodically back and forth between the running water in a water fountain, and people drinking from a water bottle. In this case, the water would act as the subject, or object. The running water from the fountain acts as the recurring subject.
CONTRAST: In any case, contrast is an extreme difference between two ideas. In film, when the camera is cut between two vastly different scenes, this shows contrast. In our film, an empty, silent hallway is shown. Just moments later, after the bell is rung and students are moving from first to second period, a contrast is created as the hallway is now filled with students and noise.
SYMBOLISM: A symbolic connection is created when there is a bridge between the first and second scene in film. The camera zooms in on a Varsity letter "L" (for Lely), and when the camera zooms back out, it is focused on the "L" from the Lely Trojans ingrained in the bench outside in the courtyard.
SIMULTANEITY: Simultaneity is useful in creating suspense for the audience. In film, a scene would cut back and forth between two events occurring at the same time to show either contrast or similarity between the two events occurring. In this case, there would be a difference in the noisy courtyard during lunch versus Mr. Alvarez's quieter, more controlled classroom setting occurring at the exact same moment.
PARALLELISM: Cutting together two unrelated scenes and drawing similarities or parallels between the two establishes a connection in film. In our case, Kiley and I focus the camera on our feet and the camera shows each of us walking across the courtyard.
Hi Miranda! I really liked watching your video, and I thought that your example for symbolism was really creative. It was interesting to watch your interpretations of the different kinds of edits, and I also liked your edit for parallelism; I thought it was really cute and artsy!